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Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

All staff at ScienTec Consulting Pte Ltd (“STC”) respect the privacy and confidentiality of the personal data of our job applicants, clients, service providers and other individuals whom we interact with in the course of providing our products and services. We are committed to implementing policies, practices and processes to safeguard the collection, use and disclosure of the personal data you provide us, in compliance with the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2012.

We have developed this Data Protection Notice to assist you in understanding how we collect, use, disclose, process, protect and retain your personal data that is in our possession.

2. Types of Personal Data and How We Collect Them

Personal data refers to any information that can uniquely identify an individual person either (a) on its own (e.g., NRIC No., FIN No.), or (b) when combined with other information (e.g., Full Name + Full Address).

Candidates (Internal & External)
If you are a candidate, we collect your personal data as reasonably necessary for us to determine your suitability for work with us or through us. For this purpose, we collect:

  • Contact Information: name, brief residential address, telephone number, email address.

  • Personal Information: date of birth (strictly for SAT for non-local only), nationality.

  • Resume information: employment history, academic qualifications, professional credentials, membership with professional bodies, skills.

  • Other relevant information: e.g. expected remuneration.

We request that you do not provide sensitive personal data such as government identification numbers (NRIC, passport number, drivers’ licence) or any other sensitive personal data that is not required at this stage of job application and inform that we may delete such data and not process your application accordingly.

We collect your personal data

  • when you interact with us directly through our corporate website, emails, phone calls.

  • from referrals and networking activities.

  • from job search portals and other databases.

  • from social media platforms.

  • when we obtain background verification information from referees.


Staff (Internal & External)

Besides the information provided to us by you as an internal or external candidate prior to being engaged, we will collect additional information when you become our staff (whether part-time, temporary, full-time):

  • Government issued identification details: NRIC, passport (non-locals only), work pass (non-locals only), drivers' licence (only if required)

  • Financial Information: bank account number, remuneration and benefits

  • Professional Information: academic records and transcripts

  • Family Information: emergency contact number

  • Performance evaluation: performance review, records

  • Health Information: health declaration, medical leave


We also collect your Contact Information such as your name, email address and other personal data as you may provide as you enquire about us or through us:

  • When you request for information about any of our services;

  • When you interact with us on our digital/online platforms;

  • When you provide feedback to us on our products and services or quality of service

  • When you communicate with us via emails or written correspondences

​3. How We Use Your Personal Data

We use the personal data you provide us within our organization and for our corporate clients for one or more of the following purposes:

  • Inform you of possible employment opportunities, relevant candidates, and/or other services that are of relevance to you and with your consent

  • Assessing and evaluating your suitability for employment in any current or prospective position within the organization and our corporate clients;

  • Verifying your identity and the accuracy of your personal details and other information provided;

  • Performing obligations under or in connection with your contract of employment with us, including payment of remuneration and tax;

  • All administrative and human resources related matters within our organization, including administering payroll, granting access to our premises and computer systems, processing leave applications, administering your insurance and other benefits, processing your claims and expenses, investigating any acts or defaults (or suspected acts or defaults) and developing human resource policies;

  • Managing and terminating our employment relationship with you, including monitoring your internet access and your use of our intranet email to investigate potential contraventions of our internal or external compliance regulations, and resolving any employment related grievances;

  • Assessing and evaluating your suitability for employment/appointment or continued employment/appointment in any position within our organization;

  • Ensuring business continuity for our organization in the event that your employment with us is or will be terminated;

  • Performing obligations under or in connection with the provision of our goods or services to our clients;

  • Facilitating any proposed or confirmed merger, acquisition or business asset transaction involving any part of our organization, or corporate restructuring process

  • Facilitating our compliance with any laws, customs and regulations which may be applicable to us

4. Who We Disclose Your Personal Data To

We may disclose some of the personal data you provide us to the following entities or organisations outside STC in order to fulfil our services to you:

  • Government Agencies & Regulatory Authorities such as Ministry of Manpower, Central Provident Fund, Inland Revenue Authority

  • Providers of Professional Services such as Auditors

  • Banks

  • Data Processing and Hosting Companies such as IT Service Providers, and Cloud Service Providers

  • Providers of Goods or Services such as Training Providers, Courier Services

  • Clients of STC, for the purposes of employment


Where required to do so by law, we may disclose personal data about you to the relevant authorities or to law enforcement agencies.

5. How We Manage the Collection, Use and Disclosure of Your Personal Data

5.1. Obtaining Consent

We only collect, use and disclose personal data with your consent or deemed consent or as otherwise permitted under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012(PDPA) or other applicable laws and regulations.

The provision of your personal data to us will be deemed as consent voluntarily to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal data for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice.

Before we collect, use or disclose your personal data, we will notify you of the purpose of data collection. We will obtain verbal confirmation from you on your expressed consent, with an acknowledgment sent via email/text afterwards. We will not collect more personal data than is necessary for the stated purpose. We will seek fresh consent from you if the original purpose for the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data has changed.

If you provide us with personal data of another person (for instance, a potential employee/referral), you are responsible for ensuring that such person is made aware of the data contained in this Privacy Policy and that the person has given you his/her consent for sharing the data with us.

In order to provide you with the best service, we need to process certain personal data about you. We will only ask for and use information that we genuinely need to provide you with the best possible service. You can refuse to provide us with your personal data. However, if you do not give us certain information, we may not be able to provide our services to you.

Legitimate Interests: We may rely on the legitimate interest’s exception to consent in the following circumstances which are our organisation’s lawful interests. When we rely on this exception, we conduct an assessment as required under law and will provide such documented assessments to PDPC upon their request. We will assess the likely adverse effects on the individual and determine that the legitimate interests outweigh any adverse effect.

5.2. Withdrawal of Consent

If you wish to withdraw consent, you should give us reasonable advance notice. We will advise you of the likely consequences of your withdrawal of consent, e.g., without your personal contact information we may not be able to inform you of our future employment opportunities with STC or with STC’s clients.

In the event that you wish to withdraw consent to our use of your personal data, please drop us an email at:, copying your Recruitment Consultant’s email address (if applicable) with the subject title “Withdrawal of Consent Request”, stating the following details:

  1. Your full name;

  2. Your email address;

  3. The name of your Recruitment Consultant (If applicable)


​6. How We Ensure the Accuracy of Your Personal Data

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal data we collect about you is accurate, complete and kept up-to-date.


From time to time, we may do a data verification exercise for you to update us on any changes to the personal data we hold about you. If we are in an ongoing relationship with you, it is important that you update us of any changes to your personal data (such as a change in your mailing address).

Where third party organisations to whom the personal data was disclosed (e.g. data intermediaries, service providers, agents) become aware of personal data that is inaccurate, incomplete or out-dated, STC’s DPO will ensure that the relevant third parties are informed as soon as practicable.


7. How We Protect Your Personal Data

We have implemented appropriate information security and technical measures (such as data encryption, firewalls and secure network protocols) to protect the personal data we hold about you against loss; misuse; destruction; unauthorised alteration/modification, access, disclosure; or similar risks.


We have also put in place reasonable and appropriate organisational measures to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data and will only share your data with authorised persons on a ‘need to know’ basis.


You should be aware, however, that no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is completely secure. While security cannot be guaranteed, we strive to protect the security of your information and are constantly reviewing and enhancing our information security measures.


8. How We Retain Your Personal Data

We have a document retention policy that keeps track of the retention schedules of the personal data you provide us, in paper or electronic forms. We will not retain any of your personal data when it is no longer needed for any business or legal purposes.


We will dispose of or destroy such documents containing your personal data in a proper and secure manner when the retention limit is reached. When we act as a data processor to our clients, we will retain your personal data in according with the retention periods prescribed by our clients.


We strive to build a long-term relationship with our candidates who have engaged us in the process of their search for both temporary and permanent employment. If you have engaged us in this capacity, we will retain your personal data for a period beyond one placement and we aim to support your career through numerous roles and assignments as long as you are interested and consent to the provision of our recruitment services.


In the event that you are no longer interested in, or no longer consent to the provision of our recruitment services, please refer to the section on “Withdrawal of Consent”.


9. How You Can Access and Make Correction to Your Personal Data

You may write in to us to find out what personal data about you that we have in our possession or under our control and how it may have been used and/or disclosed by us in the previous one year. Before we accede to your request, we may need to verify your identity by checking your NRIC or other legal identification document. We will respond to your request as soon as possible, or within 30 days from the date we receive your request. If we are unable to do so within the 30 days, we will let you know and give you an estimate of how much longer we require. We may also charge you a reasonable fee for the cost involved in processing your access request.


If you find that the personal data we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or not up-to-date you may ask us to correct the data. Where we are satisfied on reasonable grounds that a correction should be made, we will correct the data as soon as possible, or within 30 days from the date we receive your request.


If you have any queries regarding access or correction to your personal data about you, please email us at:, copying your Recruitment Consultant’s email address (if applicable) with the subject title “Access Request” or “Correction Request”, stating the following details:

  1. ​Your full name and contact information;

  2. The nature of your Access or Correction Request; and

  3. The name of your Recruitment Consultant (if applicable)

10. How We Transfer Your Personal Data
If there is a need for us to transfer your personal data to another organization outside of Singapore (e.g., our subsidiaries within Asia), we will ensure that the standard of data protection in the recipient country is comparable to that of Singapore’s PDPA. If this is not so, we will enter into a contractual agreement with the receiving party to accord similar levels of data protection as that in Singapore.


11. Contacting Us

If you have any query or feedback regarding this Data Protection Notice, or any complaint you have relating to how we manage your personal data, please email us at :, with the subject title “Data Protection Query” or “Data Protection Feedback”, stating the following details:

  1. Your full name and contact information;

  2. The nature of your query or feedback;

  3. The name of your Sales Consultant (if applicable).


We treat such queries and feedback seriously and will deal with them confidentially and within reasonable time.


12. Changes to this Data Protection Notice

This Notice applies in conjunction with other policies, notices, contractual clauses and consent clauses that apply in relation to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data to us.


We may update this Data Protection Notice from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the latest Notice on our website. Please visit our website periodically to note any changes. Your continued employment and participation in our recruitment process constitute your acknowledgement and acceptance of such changes.


Changes to this Notice take effect when they are posted on our website.

Effective date  :           01/05/2017
Last updated   :           31/08/2023

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